Sunday, December 20, 2009

awesome licious

so there was the turkey bowl= fail, the jingle bowl=failure. now theres gonna be the super douper bowl which i like to call the super duper awesome licious awesome amazing fantastico bowl. ya. it's gonna be an epic fail. just like florida. i saw this club on facebook and it's funny cause i went to florida when i was little to see my grandma and the club was called= it's 90 degrees and it's winter. Florida, you fail epicly. ya. it's funny. so ya! winter break. lotsa stuff goin on. everyone's comin ova to my house. actually, my uncle just came from florida so it's been fun. he's not used to the coldness. lol. anyways, talk to you people later.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Mads Style

Hey ppls! made a new blogg (love sayin that!) and its called....................................................drumroll seriously...............................................................................START FREAKIN TAPPIN THE DESK ALREADY............................................oh forget it........................heres the name...............................................MADS STYLE! fanfare! whoo! ya. it's gonna be coolios. I know i said id make another one at 107 posts but i'm too lazy so wateves. I'm too impatient. No seriously i am. for example, you know how Anna and I went to Disney for my bday???? well she came a day early to give me my present. and i could not wait. i had to open it that day. that time. so anyways, check my new blogg (love sayin that!) out at! love ya ppls! byes!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


OMG!!!!! ok this is kinda late news but i've been soup busy so i have a reason!!!! SOMEONE BROKE INTO PRESCOTT!!!! i know!!! soup scary right???? they broke into the cafeteria the art room and almost the band room. and in the cafeteria there are some ceiling tiles missing cause theyy stole the projectorr!!!! oh yea, and they stole 60 bucks. but if you wanted to rob some money wouldn't you go......idk.......................maybe.......................A BANK!?!?!?!?!?! Seriously???? you go to a schools caf. to steal money???? You should be on world's worst criminals. Or at least the dumbest. Especially since there are freakin cameras all around the school!!!! they were pretty dumb. oh well!

Friday, December 4, 2009


I've got loserphobia!!!!!!! well actually it's not called loserphobia its called that word that i put for the title but it's too long to put and type so it's not something that i wanna type. Lokl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!! no Anna just sent me this video where this little girl is talking to her mom and she's talking about what she's gonna do to the monsters. Here's the convo:
Mom: what are you gonna do to the monster?
Little Girl: I'm gonna kick his ass
Mom: That's not nice
Girl: Ya but if he comes here, he's gonna kick my ass
Mom: But that's not a very nice word to say ok? You should say "kick his butt"
Girl: oooooooooooooooooh

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry. Having temporary laughit (laughing fit) lokl. anyways too funny! and it's so cute cause the girl's so innocent!!! anyways! I'll talk to you pplea laters!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Hello peoplea! W-up???? anyways, it was so cool for this project in L.A. we had to make a school and all so the schools name was.....................................................wait for it............................................................................................................................................................................
..................................................................................................................................................................I.M.E.K. Academy. It's all my group's initials. Ilisa, Maddy (Me :D), Kyle, and Elijah. It came out awesome x 10. Ya! We're cool like that. lokl. Ya if your wondering why i say lokl it's cause Elizabeth put lok one time instead of lol so i combined the two and now I say lokl. Ya!!!!!!! Anyways Ya just wanted to tell you pplea about that. kks byes!!!!!!!!!!!!!11